Specific American

On this page you will find American restaurants that guarantee good food and good times as is tradition with dining in the USA. American cuisine is a synthesis of ingredients and cooking styles from many corners of the globe reflecting its country’s true melting pot heritage. We offer you a guide to American restaurants in Bucharest, to satisfy your cravings for food that reflects the American spirit.

Specific American

Pulpe de pui americane in fulgi de porumb

Pulpe de pui americane in fulgi de porumb

Pulpele de pui americane sunt foarte crocante, prajite fiind in fulgi de porumb, sau chiar chipsuri. Sunt delicioase, si se pot servi cu garnitura preferata. daca vrei o mancare tipic americana serveste-le cu garnitura de fasole verde.

Cooking Time: 25 mins | Serves: 0